Mice Parade – Obrigado Saudade

This album may have a January release date but there’s a mood to this album that suggests the inspiration lies in the last days of Summer. Looking at the press release, it says about the Brazilian title that apparently ‘Obrigado’ means ‘thank you’ whilst ‘Saudade’ is not a word that can be directly translated but is to do with “something between nostalgia, homesickness and lovesickness”. As you can imagine, there’s some beautiful music with a sunny kind of sadness pervading it. Multi-instrumentalist Adam Pierce plays a wide variety of instruments on here with great flourish. You can hear a great many kindred spirits in the music. There’s elements of Four Tet, Bark Psychosis, a pinch of My Bloody Valentine. ‘Obrigado Saudade’ is a gorgeous album rich in magic and music.